It has been a lovely weekend. It is amazing how much the sunshine motivates everyone! Today we took the camper out for a run *- the first of 2012. In fact, since December last year, Gert has been hidden/protected by a cover so the fresh air was a welcome treat. I tidied her up and took her curtains down and the blankets out to wash . Below is the spare (should have been a bag) tyre cover. Poor JGS- no rest from colour here.
We also packed up our camping gear properly. Even I thought it all looked a bit 'car bootish'. And then off we went to put some air in the tyres. Which is the first of many jobs I need to do in order to complete number 33 'make Gert lovely'.
I also had some help.
* I say 'run' but we really just went for a pootle round the lanes and then to the garage where we purchased ice lollies. We then sat in camper on the garage forecourt scoffing said lollies and watching the stream of traffic coming back from the beach.
As previously mentioned, this was the only thing I REALLY wanted to do before I turned 40. I am also slighty impatient (!) and as a result I sort of defeated the object by paying off my student loan (YAY)in October but sort of having to make friends with my credit card (BOO) for Christmas presents (so it was for a good thing. And temporary) Anyway- here is the proof that I no longer fear letters from Glasgow or Rotherham.I almost feel guilty that whilst I was relaxing on Boxing Day, a printer in Rotherham was busy churning this out for me. Although the printer probably had the last laugh as I do remember feeling slightly sick when I saw the envelope on the doormat at the begining of 2012. But when I opened it, it was all good. I have rung them twice since 'just to make sure' that the account is closed.
In other news I finished my big granny square blanket (photos of headache/colourful corner to follow) and I have also make a cushion for JGS's mum for Mother's day ( I know!! Get me- from non- finisher to total finisher in 4566 easy steps). And it has taken me less than 2 weeks. And I still managed to go to work and do housework when doing it. I now want to start a blanket for Gert the camper and I need to concentrate whilst I start off. If anyone is out there- thanks for reading my typing ! xxxx XRAY/IT/HNB/JGS thanks for such a lovely day and helping me with my list.x
Here is 'headache corner'. I have tidied it up for the photograph. This is my first proper crochet project. I started it last summer and I used the squares as practice. I have no (or maybe too much) concept of colour. Actually- this is my second project. My 1st project was a bag - in fact I was using the Attic 24 tutorial lovely bag but my maths let me down and it got all of out of control and a as result was too big to be any type of useful bag but is the perfect size to be a spare wheel cover in Gert the camper. So a win win situation really.
And here is the cushion I made for JGS's mum for Mother's Day. Evidence shows that I am still having problems with circles.
And that table- must make it pretty!! Coming in at number 35 on my list!!
When JGS and I first got back together he took me for a few cocktails here and I loved it. One of the reasons for this list and why it is full of (apparently ) mundane stuff like eat here, make this, do that is becasue I have discovered that I am a task orentated person and this was a good opportunity to do the things that I would always put off (make an ironing board cover) or never actually make the effort to do (cocktails/ Spaghetti House). To me, ther is a fine line between those two (non) actions. Anyway- I digress. So, here we are having cocktails in the 101 Bar. When you 1st walk in, there is a rather overpowering smell of bleach (but you get over it) and I would ALWAYS recommend going to the toilet in pairs. But the cocktails are delicious. Between us we had; margaritas, long island iced tea, squashed frog (JGS had this which I find ironic as he insists on saving all the frogs we encounter on our dog walk) sea breeze and an amaretto sour. I would like to point out that the amaretto sour is possibly the nicest thing I have ever tasted and I am aiming to recreate it over the weekend (another number 26?)

Don't we all look lovely. I am sorry for the lack of good photography. I have camera setting issues. Anyway- this is taken with the gorilla pod JGS got my for my birthday. I love it. Now I am taking photos all the time. JGS and I have gone from having no photos of us together to having loads. I am worried about the vanity aspect of this.
What can I say??? (I have tried to pick the blue nearest to the blue of the Boris bike). I LOVED my Boris bike. We picked them up just the other side of Covent Garden, down towards The Strand and off we went. Onto the main road and everything. We went over Westminster Bridge and along South Bank, past the Eye and back over Blackfriars Bridge. Which involved us filtering into a lane of fast moving London traffic. It really was a lovely day for a cycle ride. I have no idea what IT finds more exciting on his phone.
Boris- I am disappointed that the safety aspect of cycling has been overlooked in that you are not required to wear a helmet ( not that I would EVER wear anything that had been worn by a stranger/anyone else that had not been washed prior to me wearing it.) However, I was stunned ( and slightly in awe) of my apparent lack of disregard for safety vs getting on a Boris bike. I never cycle without my cycle helmet on. I felt free.
Can I just point out that I am not a vain person and the amount of photos of me are to prove that I have done the thing.
There is a chain of restaurants called 'The Spaghetti House' In September 1975, at the Spaghetti House restaurant in Knightsbridge there was an incident, commonly known as 'The Spaghetti House siege' whereby masked gunmen broke into the restaurant and took staff hostage. The siege lasted 6 days. All hostages were released unharmed (as much as you could be after being held captive for 6 days) and the robbers were sent to jail. The restaurants were set up by 2 Italian friends in the mid 1950s and one of the friends lives in a village near me. Writing about it now, I don't really know why I put it on my list. Starstruck maybe (it doesn't take much).

On Saturday, JGS and I met up with XRay, HNB and IT in London to complete some things off my list. Namely number 2- the Spaghetti House and number 3- cocktails at the 101 Bar under Centerpoint (more of this later- and another unexpected opportunity moment). We had a lovely meal in the 1st Spaghetti House restaurant in Goodge Street. It is a lovely building- over 4 floors and the food was delicious. And thank you Mr Tesco (and I very rarely thank you for anything- except ironically for ruining the landscape with your red and blue signage) for giving us 'voucher tea'. And also thank you to IT and HNB for providing said vouchers and having to shop at Tesco in the 1st place to get vouchers. I applaude you. So yes- if you are ever in need of something to eat- pop into the Goodge Street restaurant and ask for Stefano. He was very kind to us.
So this is us with our wine aperitif. I had a really lovely time x.
Give me a C. Give me a H. Give me an E. Give me another E (letter not drug). Give me a R. Give me a L. Give me an E. Give me an A. Give me a D. Give me an I. Give me a N.Give me a G (please Carol.) And what do we get????? CHEERLEADING !!! Yay !! Pom poms !!! Yay ! I went to a cheerleading class. It was excellent. I am in no way turning professional anytime soon. In my mind- I looked like Jennifer Aniston when she dressed up as a cheerleader in Friends to impress Josh(ua). In reality I look like one of those 'before' people - as in before they won the lottery and spent £100000000.00's on looking like an ''after' person. Oh well- I enjoyed it. Look at my simple face- I enjoyed it a lot. I was not allowed to take the pom poms home. But I am seriously thinking of buying my own. And spending £100000000.00s on looking like Jennifer Aniston.Hahaha getting plastic surgery to look like Jennifer Aniston would certainly come under an 'unexpected opportunity'.
I have been feeling rather ashamed and guilty this week (all 2 days of it- I start my week on a Monday when I have to go to work) as I have had a severe case of 'blog neglect' (I work in the NHS so I think I am allowed to discover new conditions and name them) for the last couple of weeks. I keep thinking 'I will do some tonight' and then I forget (or get distracted as I am crocheting a cushion for Mother's Day gift). So my new week resolution is to care for my blog more. Quite a lot has been going on, not least that I have actually finished something that I started!!! This almost never happens to me as I tend to either procrastinate and not start something or start something then procrastinate and never finish it. Falling into the former category is an ironing board cover (why should pay for a new one when I could 'easily' make one??) and falling into the latter category is an epic piece of patchwork started in 1985 that is now out of control (hence the hibernation for the last 20 years as I reckon it was last seen in action around 1992). Both those items are on my 40 list. Which is why I have spent the last week finishing a crochet blanket and starting a cushion and inbetween crocheting flowers to put on a cushion for my sister. As you do. So, starting tomorrow, more info with photos. Yes.Starting tomorrow. x