It has been a while since I have updated this blog. Although in my defence my pc has broken and I need to get a new cable. All my photos are on that pc and I cannot get my phone and this pc to play nicely (so I cannot even get the photos off my phone). Aside from this minor equipment failure, I have not been idle. Number 34- make an ironing board cover-well, I started but then needed to iron really quickly and so I had to purchase a delightful JML Direct ironing board cover (in fact mine is the stripy one). I will finish mine later.
Number 7 -spa/yoga retreat. I went to the 2012 British Wheel of Yoga Congress. It was brilliant.
Number 26- an unexpected opportunity- part 5. On Easter Saturday we climbed Snowdon. We camped on the outskirts of Beddgelert and went up the Rhydd Du pass. The weather was kind to us in that it only rained at night.
I will post photos and write more when I have sorted out pc.
I have been looking at my list ( I cannot believe we are nearly 5 months into the year already) and I think I have some minor alterations to make due to other things that have crept in. Nothing serious.
I need to get back to house tasks now. Toodle pip.x
ooohhhh I forgot- number 33- make Gert lovely. I have ordered new cab doors and when I went back to see parents, mum taught me how to use piping cord and I am going to make my own seat covers for Gert. I had seen some lovely material online and I found a place that would order new foam cushions and cover them for me in this material. These are 3 cushions- 2 for a 3/4 rock and roll bed and one for the back. The point I am trying to make is that for a professional they would be quick and easy. And for the purchaser (me) I thought relatively cheap. After waiting 2 weeks for someone to get back to me I rang and left a message. Two days later someone got back to me and said they could do the cushions and it would cost £800.00 !!! I am in the wrong job. So I am going to make my own.