Possibly I think I should have aimed for 40 unexpected opportunities instead. Even though I have just over a month to go I know there are things that are not going to be completed for various reason- time constraints, lack of organisation and logistics being the three main ones. I don't think I am going to make it 'wild swimming' (number 10) go up an eco tower (number 29) or have a road trip holiday (number 8) before 14th January 2013. I am going to have to make myself cycle to work (number 30) and possibly weaken the meaning of 'culture' in number 17 (partake in more culture- actually using the word 'partake' sounds quite cultural in itself so maybe??) However, there is still time 'who knows what is going to happen'...... if someone could build a loch near work with an open air stage offering a modern interpretation of Ibsen's A Doll's House, then I could knock those three on the head in one go.
As this is unlikely to happen- I am going to carry uncompleted things over and complete them next year over as I think I am going to keep this up. It has been a great motivator. And to be honest- some things I cannot complete this year I know I will get the chance to do next year and as long as I have done 40 different things this year then I will be a happy bunny.
So yes- unexpected opportunity number 10. Snow tubing...........
Involves the following:
Wrapping up warm.
Wearing a snug helmet
Speeding down a slope in a rubber tyre.
That is all.
Apart from the stress of navigating the three moving travelators that get you to the top. Between these and the cable car I think skiing might be off !
So yes- this is the tubing run......(from the bottom).
And here is me at the bottom. It was impossible to take photos at the top. Due to the fact that you were perched for seconds at the top by the instructor and then hurtled off at speed. I figured that if I had managed to take a photo on the river cruise and not dropped my phone I would be foolish to take a chance now.
I think I am adopting a 'gnarly snow dudette' pose here. I am not really sure this is a style that suits me. As on my first 'tube run' there was a lot of high pitched squealing from my mouth! It was fab though- I would even go as far to say I wish it had been longer and faster....
The sign

Thanks Dad !
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Number 26 (part 9) - an unexpected opportunity.
Since I ran the Race for Life (29 minutes you know!) and then ran a 10k (65 minutes- which sounds much more impressive than 1 hour and 5 minutes- well it does to me) I haven't really done much running. I decided I needed a rest and I thought running in the dark would be dangerous. But then at work I started to think how good it would be to go for a run after work and I began to think I should carry on running and get over myself about running in the dark (clumsy enough in the daylight- the pavements in the dark are lurking to suck in my ankles). So Chops and I went out a couple of nights late November and then I was idly looking on the interweb* and I noticed that there was a local Santa Dash happening at the weekend. 'How exciting- shall I enter? I thought, as I was busily typing in my details and completing my entry form.
The Santa Dash was a 5k and I really wasn't expecting any great shakes as I had only been running three times in the last 10 days and the furthest of those was 5k (but it was 33 minutes so I knew I would be ok time wise).
I dressed up warm on the day as it was quite nippy. I knew I was would be getting something 'Santa-ish' to wear as the entry form mentioned that there would be a Santa theme (and I suppose the title of the race gave it away). It turns out that when I was looking at previous Santa Dashes on the internet I had glossed over the fact that all the runners were in a Santa outfit. I thought 'how sweet' and wondered innocently how I would attach my Santa hat that I was bound to be given, on the day.
Imagine my surprise/panic (how much would this outfit slow me down- my mind thinks I am some sort of Zola Budd!) when upon registration I was given an actual Santa outfit. Hat, trousers, jacket, belt and beard.... Ho.Ho.Ho.
Man I was hot ! There were about 60 of us altogether. The route had changed as it had rained so much the previous day that some of it was still waterlogged. (I am getting used to the control-less aspect of running by now) and the route was now slightly less than the advertised 5k. It was now 4.5k and 4 times round a circuit as opposed to one route of 5k.
So off we went. It was good fun as there were people walking through the park just doing their normal Saturday morning stuff and then 60 Santa's ran past. As they do. I found running in clothes that are too big for me a bit annoying as I kept having to re-adjust myself whilst running. I know, I need to get a grip. So here I am... all bearded up. And not actually looking very impressed. I think this might have been after the race. My eyes do look defeated. But I really enjoyed it- it was my favourite race so far (out of the three I have done).
I kept my pace (thanks Women's Running) and halfway through the 3rd lap I passed a Santa and he asked if he could run with me as I had a good pace (!!??) and he didn't like being on his own. I said that was fine as long as he didn't mind me sounding like I am gasping for air as I tend to match my breathing to my feet (I have been reading this and I find the rhythm of my feet and breath help me switch off and move my mind) So we ran the next lap and then with about 25 metres to go he asked if I wanted to sprint finish (you have NO idea how professional I felt when he asked me that). I got the impression he thought he would leave me for dust. I did ask him if he was sure (he had never met me so he is unaware of the competitive beast within) and he was very nonchalant in his reply.
As a result, I didn't feel bad when I sailed past the finish line. And his family who were waiting patiently for him. To be fair he was only seconds behind me.
And my little runkeeper app told me that I had achieved a personal best- 4.35k in 26 minutes so I think it is fair to say that I would have beaten my Race for Life time. Slightly gutted that there is no official record of this.
So here is my Santa Dash medal. His outfit is better than mine.
* I feel I must add that whilst I say 'idly looking on the inteweb' I think what I actually meant to say was 'I was looking to see if there were any local races coming up' as I think I might be a runner.
There was no one to meet me at the finish line either as JGS commented that I was becoming some sort of 'glory runner' and he had stuff to do at work. So he dropped me off and picked me up afterwards. By which point I was leaning against a lamp post like some sort of bad Santa woman of the night.
The Santa Dash was a 5k and I really wasn't expecting any great shakes as I had only been running three times in the last 10 days and the furthest of those was 5k (but it was 33 minutes so I knew I would be ok time wise).
I dressed up warm on the day as it was quite nippy. I knew I was would be getting something 'Santa-ish' to wear as the entry form mentioned that there would be a Santa theme (and I suppose the title of the race gave it away). It turns out that when I was looking at previous Santa Dashes on the internet I had glossed over the fact that all the runners were in a Santa outfit. I thought 'how sweet' and wondered innocently how I would attach my Santa hat that I was bound to be given, on the day.
Man I was hot ! There were about 60 of us altogether. The route had changed as it had rained so much the previous day that some of it was still waterlogged. (I am getting used to the control-less aspect of running by now) and the route was now slightly less than the advertised 5k. It was now 4.5k and 4 times round a circuit as opposed to one route of 5k.
So off we went. It was good fun as there were people walking through the park just doing their normal Saturday morning stuff and then 60 Santa's ran past. As they do. I found running in clothes that are too big for me a bit annoying as I kept having to re-adjust myself whilst running. I know, I need to get a grip. So here I am... all bearded up. And not actually looking very impressed. I think this might have been after the race. My eyes do look defeated. But I really enjoyed it- it was my favourite race so far (out of the three I have done).
As a result, I didn't feel bad when I sailed past the finish line. And his family who were waiting patiently for him. To be fair he was only seconds behind me.
And my little runkeeper app told me that I had achieved a personal best- 4.35k in 26 minutes so I think it is fair to say that I would have beaten my Race for Life time. Slightly gutted that there is no official record of this.
So here is my Santa Dash medal. His outfit is better than mine.
* I feel I must add that whilst I say 'idly looking on the inteweb' I think what I actually meant to say was 'I was looking to see if there were any local races coming up' as I think I might be a runner.
There was no one to meet me at the finish line either as JGS commented that I was becoming some sort of 'glory runner' and he had stuff to do at work. So he dropped me off and picked me up afterwards. By which point I was leaning against a lamp post like some sort of bad Santa woman of the night.
Number 26- (part 8) an unexpected opportunity
A day trip to the seaside.....
Yeap- the other day I took the day off work and took myself off on a little adventure. I got the bus to the seaside.
It was my favourite type of day to be on the beach. Blustery and overcast. I always think the seaside seems more romantic in these circumstances. The beach was deserted as it was midweek and out of holiday time.
As I was by the seaside I did have to have the obligatory 'chips for dinner'. I would like to say that I took the photo above then went to get the chips and then re-created the first photo perfectly. But I can't as I just hid the chips (with difficulty) as I took the first photo.
On the way home I stopped off to check out a couple of other places and had another 'looking out to sea moment' but this time from the harbour perspective. With no chips- but I did partake in a delicious hot chocolate after I took this broody little number.
Yeap- the other day I took the day off work and took myself off on a little adventure. I got the bus to the seaside.
It was my favourite type of day to be on the beach. Blustery and overcast. I always think the seaside seems more romantic in these circumstances. The beach was deserted as it was midweek and out of holiday time.
I did sit on a rock to eat the chips but then it began to rain and even I thought I was beginning to look a bit too much 'romantic heroine' (think The French Lieutenant’s Woman on the Cobb) on the for my own good. The rock would have been a fabulous rock if I had been a mermaid though- it was lovely and smooth for my tail to lie on as I combed my hair. I so, so wish my next photo was of me with a mermaid tale. But it isn't.
I wandered around the seaside shops and bought some Christmas presents. And some needless presents for myself- but I felt they were necessary.
Then I was thirsty. The lovely tea shop was full and the second lovely one was closed. The others didn't really appeal so I went for the next best thing.....
This is a half pint of 'witches blood' (it was Halloween) and it was delicious. I think I freaked the bar staff out slightly. Middle aged woman, in the pub on her own in the middle of the day drinking real ale? What is the world coming to?
Maybe they had seen me earlier all romantic and wistful, looking out to sea. Whilst shovelling chips in my mouth....That sight would be enough to freak even my nearest and dearest out.
On the way home I stopped off to check out a couple of other places and had another 'looking out to sea moment' but this time from the harbour perspective. With no chips- but I did partake in a delicious hot chocolate after I took this broody little number.
So yes- this is my day at the seaside. I am counting it as an unexpected opportunity as I went on my own whereas if I had gone with JGS and Chops I would have had a lovely time but it would have been different. Everyone needs to do things on their own from time to time. It makes us appreciate everyone else.
Number 20 - Do a craft fair
I have always pottered about with sewing and making stuff since I was young. Then stuff sort of got in the way and all the making and creating got pushed aside. I started sewing again a few years ago and made various things. JGS has also got in on the act and has made car seat covers, a welly boot bag (for me) and an awning for the side of the Landy. He is a much more a freestyle (gung-ho?) sewer than me . I worry about things looking rubbish. JGS doesn't seem to worry about things looking rubbish and they always turn out fab. Does this imply I think my things always turn out rubbish? I think that might be a conversation for a different blog..... Anyways... my sewing machine and I have got on so (sew) well this year that I am going to dedicate a whole number 26 post- unexpected opportunity to sewing later on.
Back to the craft fair. So aside from sewing I also do a bit of felting and this year I wanted to add some crochet items to the mix. At the beginning of 2012 when I started this list, I had an idea of the craft fair I wanted to do and when. A place round the coat has one at Christmas time so I rang up and asked about a stall. Oooooohhh turns out I was going to have to make and awful lot of stuff to break even.... I got confused about the size of the stalls available but managed to un-confuse myself enough to understand the cheapest one would be about £100 for two days...... That is an awful lot of stuff to make (already I was going off the idea- once I have to do it I never find it as much fun) so I decided to think about it and carry on making some random stuff in the meantime (just in case..). This may not come as much of a surprise to you, dear reader(s) but I got distracted by other stuff (possibly the other 39 things on this list) and the activity of 'making stuff for a craft fair' sort of ground to a halt.
Then, out of the blue an opportunity arose in that a friend was having a craft party... did I want to take part?? Once I checked that she was not going to charge me £100 to stand in her kitchen, I was in. I had a mini panic over the fact that I did not have much stuff- I had a granny square cushion, some crochet brooches (I made the brooches last year sometime adapting this pattern from Lucy over at Attic 24-I love the stars) and I quickly made up some chicken doorstops. I did not have time to felt anything (least of all finish off the felt fish- number 31). So off I went.
All I needed to do was sell one thing and then I would have sold something at a craft fair.... There were other people there selling their wares, including some who sell in shops and at actual £100 a stall craft fairs. So I felt it was legit to class it as a craft fair.And maybe sign off number 20.. All I needed to do was sell one thing and then I would have sold something at a craft fair....
Back to the craft fair. So aside from sewing I also do a bit of felting and this year I wanted to add some crochet items to the mix. At the beginning of 2012 when I started this list, I had an idea of the craft fair I wanted to do and when. A place round the coat has one at Christmas time so I rang up and asked about a stall. Oooooohhh turns out I was going to have to make and awful lot of stuff to break even.... I got confused about the size of the stalls available but managed to un-confuse myself enough to understand the cheapest one would be about £100 for two days...... That is an awful lot of stuff to make (already I was going off the idea- once I have to do it I never find it as much fun) so I decided to think about it and carry on making some random stuff in the meantime (just in case..). This may not come as much of a surprise to you, dear reader(s) but I got distracted by other stuff (possibly the other 39 things on this list) and the activity of 'making stuff for a craft fair' sort of ground to a halt.
Then, out of the blue an opportunity arose in that a friend was having a craft party... did I want to take part?? Once I checked that she was not going to charge me £100 to stand in her kitchen, I was in. I had a mini panic over the fact that I did not have much stuff- I had a granny square cushion, some crochet brooches (I made the brooches last year sometime adapting this pattern from Lucy over at Attic 24-I love the stars) and I quickly made up some chicken doorstops. I did not have time to felt anything (least of all finish off the felt fish- number 31). So off I went.
All I needed to do was sell one thing and then I would have sold something at a craft fair.... There were other people there selling their wares, including some who sell in shops and at actual £100 a stall craft fairs. So I felt it was legit to class it as a craft fair.And maybe sign off number 20.. All I needed to do was sell one thing and then I would have sold something at a craft fair....
I don't think I am going to be able to retire just yet. A lady who sells in a shop did take some of my brooches to see if they would sell in the shop though....
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