One (well, two actually) of the things on my list relate to driving. I really want to be more confident driver and I know my lack of confidence stems from not doing enough driving (because for years I lived somewhere with fabulous public transport links so I never needed to drive and now I have a boyfriend who does most of the driving-mostly because he is, by his own admittance (which is VERY important) A VERY BAD PASSENGER.) So at number 16 on the list we have 'Be a more confident driver' and I have put examples such as drive on the motorway and reverse on the drive- oh the extremes..... At number 9 is 'driving abroad'. In hindsight I am unsure as to why I have 2 driving tasks but it is too late to change it. So, whilst I am still working on the number 16 (UK based) I do have some photographic proof (sort of) of me driving abroad last year. I say sort of, because the photo is actually taken at a service station on the outskirts of Luxembourg. To clarify, I drove from Holland to Luxembourg via Belguim but I am not actually in the car for the photo. Oh well. It is also not a very flattering photo. In my defence, I was running on energy drinks/adrenaline/not much sleep in the last 36 hours and the high of navigating the wrong side of the road. Oh yes and orange is not really a good look. As mentioned previously. But I am now crossing numer 9 'driving abroad' off my list.

It appears that unconsciously I am taking tips from the Simon Cowell school of trouser wearing.
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