The sign

The sign
Thanks Dad !

Saturday, 2 June 2012

A good thing

In the original draft of my 40 4 40 list I had 'be a better person' listed. After a few discussions with various people I took it off my list because I felt it was unmeasurable. How do you measure that you are a better person? It might be easier if you were a bad person to start with- but I am not a bad person. (I don't think). In the end I decided that the only way I could measure that I had been a better person was by getting an award - say if the Queen awarded me an OBE- then I would definitely know I had become a better person. Logically, getting an OBE in the space of year seems highly unlikely. I should probably point out that for the purpose of my list 'being a better person' involved me helping other people.
I felt bad about taking this off my list so I decided to do something else. 
Have you ever seen the charity boxes on the wall outside the toilets in service stations? They have a sign saying something like 'spend a penny- give a penny' and I think this is a genius idea- if everyone gave a penny then change (ha ha no pun intended) could happen.
There is a link- stay with me....
I have never liked handling pennies. When the 1/2p came out of circulation I was overjoyed. I gladly accepted 'rounding up' over having to handle 1/2p.My sister used to keep 1p and 2p pieces in a copper kettle (Oh dear god!!) at our nan's. Maybe she got dirty hands from handling them or something, I don't know. I JUST DO NOT LIKE THEM. So on 1/1/2012 I decided that whenever I got 1p/2p change in shops I would put it straight in the charity tin in the shop. Several times I have even asked the shop keeper to put the change straight in the charity tin therefore avoiding even having to touch the money in the first place. A GENIUS IDEA- helping me and helping others. And I can keep this up forever.  x

ps. I also don't like gold rimmed cups/glasses/plates. I don't know why.
pps. Please do not judge me on this
ppps. Happy Jubilee- 
pppps. Shop keeper??? Unsure what era I am in.

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