The sign

The sign
Thanks Dad !

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Number 24- Run the Race for Life

Well....... I did it. I ran the Race for Life. All of it. I did feel like I was on the verge of collapsing at one point and because I had no idea of where I was running to I had nothing to aim towards so I just kept running.... I put my runkeeper on and went for it. The beginning was a bit confusing as everyone went together so for the first few minutes I was running around walkers. At about 4k I thought there is no way I am going to do this in under 30 minutes- it felt like I had been running forever and the course was on grass (and in parts was quite muddy)I am quite accident prone and I didn't like running in the mud.I even managed to have a conversation with someone at one point. I did miss the dog and lots of people were running with their earphones in.
I think you should imagine the music to Chariots of Fire now.. are you imagining? Are you ready? Yes, I am coming down the home straight now. I can see the end. I have a sudden spurt and then I see the clock........ 28 minutes down........ I cannot believe it. I dig deep ( is this getting a bit over dramatic now?) and get over that finish line at 29 minutes and 27 seconds. Hi 5 !!!!  I collected my goodie bag and then collapsed on the floor for a few minutes. JGS was on photo duty and was commanded to take this so I could text EVERYONE !!
JGS also took other photos but they are on my camera so I will get them later. I am (still)so impressed with myself. I have been out running tonight and I have decided to do a 10k in September. That was the promise I made to myself. If I did it in under 30 minutes I had to sign up for a 10k. I also decided not to buy myself a present and I gave my car boot money as part of my donation. I also need to watch Chariots of Fire !

Note to DL- what running magazine do you get? I found one and I was too scared to buy it after reading the first three pages !


  1. Well done & good for you entering the 10K.

    Try Women's Running magazine - hopefully not too scary. Remember to post a picture - I want proof!!

    You'll be joining a running club next!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Tee hee- thank you ! How is your training going? I will get proof!! Thanks for the tip. I upped my run to 6k tonight. Although it wasn't a straightforward effort as dog wasn't concentrating !
