The sign

The sign
Thanks Dad !

Monday, 3 September 2012

21- knit a tanktop jumper

Namely this tanktop jumper. ALL PROJECTS ON HOLD UNTIL I HAVE KNITTED THIS and completed several bits of crochet that are lying around (that could possibly go towards number 20 -do a craft fair).
I started knitting  the tanktop on Friday night. And had to stop knitting it on Saturday morning as I made a mistake and I need help. It is quite an easy pattern and I have just got lost on the rib bit. I don't think it helps that my needles are freebie ones and not really that great. However, I really enjoyed knitting again and this blog has really got me into knitting again. This woman is a demon knitter- check this out. I would LOVE to make that.

So, here is a photo of my progress so far (even though it has stopped)

I am looking forward to getting back to it. I think it is going to knit up quite quickly. Actually I am going to buy some better 10mm needles now from the interweb. Then there will be no stopping me.
It has been such a lovely day here that we took the dog to the beach for a run.

I love living here x

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