The sign

The sign
Thanks Dad !

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Stripey bewilderment

I am perturbed. I had a post in mind about the journey mindless crochet #2 and I have been on. We travelled to The Homeland for Christmas . We went to The Lakes between Christmas and New Year in a camping pod and worked together under lamplight. Most importantly, from 31st December until 11th February we supported each other through all 7 seasons of The Shield.
I have various photos of this growing wonder.
But on Monday night we watched the last episode of The Shield and I realised #2 was going to have to be packed away until we go camping in May.
So I laid #2 out ready for the photographic glory and I realised the something was very wrong. I have checked the pattern. I have 'striped' before with no problem. But somehow my foundation chain and my actual blanket have fallen out. The chain seems too tight. #2 won't lie flat....


  1. What lovely cheery colours! Can you block it into submission?

  2. Thank you ! I do like a bright colour ! I have never blocked anything- do you think that might work? I have counted my last row of stitches and my foundation chain and they are the same amount(246). Possibly I should have made the foundation chain with a bigger hook. The only other solution I can think of is delicately snipping the foundation chain somewhere and adding in some extra stitches. However- that sounds a lot like crochet surgery and I am not sure if I have the qualifications for that. One thing is for sure- it would be heartbreaking to unpick and start again.
