The sign

The sign
Thanks Dad !

Monday, 11 February 2013

Things I didn't do....

This time last year I thought February would be delivering me  a neat blog listing 40 completed things.... Turns out I have a haphazard blog with random stuff and a partially completed list. I need to blog the rest of the things I completed from my list and also list the things I didn't...

I have decided that the main reasons for the 'non completions' are the following:

Lack of organisation/bad time management (are they the same thing?)
Forgetting I need to involve other people.
Things that were put on the list out of desperation for my 40 things list which in hindsight I am not that fussed about.
Things that i am going to incorporate into my everyday life.
Things I am going to carry over (is this the same as the above 'incorporation'?)

However- I think I need to clarify two things:
Firstly- the list was NOT a bucket list. Just a list of things I wanted to do in 12 months that I might not necessarily have thought of otherwise. To clarify, if I only had 6 months left on this earth, whilst number 28 - put up hammock and crochet in it, would be high on that bucket list, number 30 - cycle to work could take a running jump as could 17- more culture (too busy crocheting in hammock). Turns out I just want to crochet....
Secondly- I am not really disappointed with the non entries as number 26- unexpected opportunity has provided me with a few more activities. I think I might have completed 26 actual entries off the list and I have at least 10 unexpected opportunities which takes me to 36 things.

Lack of organisation/bad time management (I have decided they are the same thing)

8  Road trip holiday (French/Spanish passion). Turns out that for this to happen JGS and I actually needed to take a holiday.... oops.This was also going to tie in with number  9   drive abroad (including motorway) and  number16  be a more confident driver.
23 Go to Lewes bonfire night. This looks freakin mental and part of me is glad I was too disorganised to go (turns out Lewes is a fair drive from here and there is only one November 5th in the year). Maybe next year... hahah not likely. This also ties in with getting other people involved.

Things that were put on the list out of desperation for 40 things which in hindsight I am not that fussed about and will cruise to being 41 (um have passed that mark now...)without any guilt.

10  Go wild swimming. I am unsure about this one- if it should be in the 'carrying over' section. Anyways, it turns out that even though I do not live very far from the sea I was unable to commit to swimming in it. I did meet a man at a car boot who told me he swims a mile in the sea every day and he said I should just do it. Turns out I didn't.

30  Cycle to work. This would take me about an hour. Either along  the bypass all the way (and just the thought of having to turn right at the second roundabout brings me out in a sweat) or I can turn off and go along a cycle path/Crimewatch reconstruction route (it is the townie in me). Neither appeal. Plus it is not practical as I have commitments for four out of five days of my working week (how lucky is that?) which require me to be back quicker that it would take me to bike home. I love my bike (JGS even got me a lovely official cycling jacket for Christmas).I pootle around on it at least 3 days a week.
Just not to work. At the weekend....

Lack of organisation/bad time management (are they the same thing?)/forgetting I need to involve other people/things that were put on the list out of desperation for 40 things which in hindsight I am not that fussed about.

13  Walk part of/all Coast to Coast path- I saw it but just didn't walk on it.
37  Go for a drink at a social club- apparently you have to be a member ! Or be recommended by a member !
40  Submit Chartership paperwork. I am a librarian. The professional qualification for library lovelies is Chartership (never sure if 'C' or 'c'. It always seems to be 'C'). So I signed up.
Totes not all my fault this one. I found a mentor to help me in June 2011 and I wanted to submit (not necessarily pass) by June 2012. To the extent (probably due to not thinking things through for list and knowing that I like to tick things off) I put it on this list. For extra motivation. Anyways, I am getting nearer but it won't be before 14/1/13.

Things that I am going to incorporate into my everyday life (I have decided this is different  to carrying things over)

9    Drive abroad (including motorway)
16  Be a more confident driver.
18  Stop my checking habits
33  Make Gert lovely (seats/doors/seals)Making Gert lovely- work in progress like driving

Things I have completed but have yet to blog about
6   Get into blue stripey dress
17  Partake in more culture- I listen to Radio 4 a lot of the time. Does this count?
21  Knit a tanktop jumper
22  Be able to do 20 press ups in one go- unsure if this can cope with photographic evidence.
26  This is blank for an unexpected opportunity- I have several of these to catch up with
32  Crochet a ripple blanket
34  Make an ironing board cover

Finally those I am going to carry over
5   Learn to surf
25  Have fish and chips and cava watching the sunset. I partially did this- in that there were fish and chips but no cava or camera!
29  Go up a wind turbine
31  Finish felt fish for JGS
36  Finish patchwork (started in 1988) 

And because I think everything needs a photo- I was practising as I am going to embark on an Amigurumi adventure- so here is something I think I need to make more of... he looks so happy with his hat and it has been so cold recently.

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